On March 12 from 10 AM to 12 PM (CET), the European Mentoring Network (eument-net) invites you to an engaging expert exchange on:
„Empowering early career researchers: Starting and managing a mentoring program“
Learn about effective approaches to mentoring and explore strategies for creating impactful mentoring programs that support the next generation of researchers.
Dr. Nina Fischer – „Advancing Women in Science: Why It Matters“, trainer
Dr. Ines Crisostomo – coordinator of ADVANCE Mentoring Programme of the University of Luxembourg and eument-net member
Ekaterina Masetkina M.A. – coordinator of SelmaMeyerMentoring Programme of the University of Dusseldorf and eument-net chair.
We look forward to an engaging discussion and the exchange of experiences. Join us:
Meeting-Link: https://hhu.webex.com/hhu/j.php?MTID=m7ab6087f504df85889d7b119b6c04a74