Membership application Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Title / Academic degreeFirst Name *Surname *Email *Position or role at your institutionInstitution and organisational unit *Postal address (street, city, postal code, country) *Do you already have a mentoring programme at your institution with an explicit focus on advancement of women and gender equality?? *YesNoTITLE of your mentoring programme, if applicableWEBSITE of your mentoring programme, if applicableYEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT of your mentoring programme, if applicableTARGET GROUPS of your mentoring programme related to occupation or status at the institution, if applicableTARGET GROUPS of your mentoring programme related to gender, if applicableMembership fee is €70.00 per year. Membership fee must be paid starting from the year in which membership is confirmed by the General assembly. Do you want to become a member? *YesNoPlease let us know the invoice address *Eument-net is an international network and is considered about the wage gaps worldwide. In case the membership fee is too high, please get in touch with the Executive Committee. In justified cases the Executive Committee can reduce or even waive the annual fee upon request. Please let us know.I accept the privacy policy/terms of data protection of eument-net *YesPrivacy policy of eument-netI accept the terms and conditions as defined in the eument-net statutes (copy) *YesStatutes of eument-netSubmit