
Inclusive Research Cultures Through Mentorship: a Practitioner-Researcher Dialogue

Dusseldorf, May 26-27, 2025 Committee Lead: Ekaterina Masetkina MA, Michaela Gindl MA, Dr Dagmar Höppel, Dr Evelyne Rusdea (EUMENT-NET) & Dr Ola Thomson (COST Action VOICES) will host this year’s event at the Heinrich Heine University (HHU) Dusseldorf, Germany, home to the pioneering and highly ...

New publication of eument-net: Mentoring and Gender Equality in European Academia and Research

This publication presents diverse mentoring programs aimed at promoting gender equality in academia across Europe. Preparing the international conference „Mentoring – Potentials for the Advancement of Female Careers in European Academia and Research, and for Gender Equality Plans,“ which took place in September 2024 at ...

Eument-net Expert Exchange: Mentoring helps navigating fast-paced science

Eument-net Expert Exchange: Mentoring helps navigating fast-paced science On December, 3, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:15 am (CET) eument-net invites all interested parties to the expert exchange Many researchers in untenured academic positions experience the tension between the drive for rapid, high-volume publishing and the ...

Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and Gender Equality Plans

Constanta Maritime University (Romania) and the European Mentoring Network (eument-net) are organising an international conference with a professional exchange session: Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and for Gender Equality Plans 02. – 03. September 2024, Constanţa, ...

Call for Contributions

Eument-net is opening a Call for Contributions, kindly inviting you to take part in the professional exchange within the frames of the International Conference: Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and Gender Equality Plans, held on 2–3 ...
Cover of Nature Biology, Vol. 41. December 2023.

Expert Exchange 2024: How to establish an inclusive mentoring relationship

On June, 12 at 10:30-12:00  Dr. Julie Batut (Universite Toulouse, FR) gives a talk on how to establish an inclusive and operational mentor-mentee relationship using the tools of collective intelligence. Mentoring plays a crucial role in personal and professional development, providing support and knowledge transfer ...
Ekaterina Masetkina, Dr. Dorett Schneider, Dr. Dagmar Hoeppel, Michaela Gindl, Dr. Christina Kurmeyer

With courage to professorship – 25 years of MuT mentoring

Since 1998, the MuT mentoring program of Stuttgart (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany) has been supporting female scientists on their way to professorship. During this time, a considerable mentoring network has been built up and countless success stories of professorships among mentees have been celebrated. Current statistics and ...

eument-net in Freiburg – 10 years of kite mentoring

Hosted by the kite mentoring (University of Freiburg) and the European Mentoring Network, eument-net, the conference "Flying to New Heights with kite Mentoring"  was a platform for profound professional exchange, knowledge sharing, and transformative insights. With a focus on gender equality and the invaluable practice ...
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