On 6 and 7 February took place a short-term visit of Katerina Cidlinska, the coordinator of the Czech mentoring program for early career researchers, at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf thanks to the inivitation from Ekaterina Masetkina, the coordinator of SelmaMeyerMentoring.
The visit consisted of many meetings with university officers, coordinator of mentoring program for early career physicians and representatives of students and of the workshop for SelmaMeyerMentoring mentees dedicated to the communication skills
These two days were very fruitful! Kateřina thanks Ekaterina for the chance to draw inspiration for the mentoring program she coordinates. „Her“ mentees can look forward for few innovations and improvements. It was also interesting to see how other coordinators approach their role and to reflect own work on this basis.
Katerina strongly recommends such a short-term visit to other coordinators! Let´s visit each other :-). Here you can see which program could be the best fit for yours.