Constanta Maritime University (Romania) and the European Mentoring Network (eument-net) are organising an international conference with a professional exchange session:
Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and for Gender Equality Plans
02. – 03. September 2024, Constanţa, Romania
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our upcoming international conference. The core aims are to share good practices and positive examples of mentoring programs designed for advancing female careers in academia and Gender Equality Plans (GEP) actions. The event will also provide excellent networking opportunities for developing joint actions in mentoring and overall gender equality.
Objectives of the conference:
1. Improve action based on mutual sharing and discussion on mentoring and overall gender equality.
2. Brochure on the variety of mentoring programs in Europe and GEP prerequisites.
3. Share good practices on mentoring as part of Gender Equality Plan and on changing organisational culture towards gender equality.
We welcome members of academic and research institutions, practitioners, governmental agencies and any other individuals interested in mentoring programs and GEP and institutions across Europe. Please read about the opportunities to take part in the Call for Contributions.
Mircea cel Bătrân Street no. 104
Constanţa 900663, Romania
Here you can find the location on Google Maps!
Please find all the relevant travel information in our Constanţa travel guide: Constanţa Travel Guide
The program of the conference you can find here: Program eument-net Conference 2024
We are looking forward to meet you in Constanţa!
Organizational Team:
Prof. Cristina Dragomir
Michaela Gindl
Dr. Dagmar Hoeppel
Ekaterina Masetkina
Dr. Evelyn Rusdea