Archiv des Autors:

Dr. Aynur Gursoy, RO

Women’s Department Representative and Coordinator (ADVU).

Member of international Women’s Association (IWA).

Aynur Gürsoy currently holds the leadership and coordination of the women’s department at the Dialogue and Universal Values Association, while also actively participating in various other associations. She effectively organizes dialogue activities focusing on universal values and shared experiences. Through various initiatives such as training seminars, mentorship programs, leadership courses, vocational training projects, and community engagement activities, she is dedicated to supporting the education and empowerment of women and young girls. Her ultimate goal is to encourage the exploration and empowerment of the potential of women and young girls. Additionally, she endeavors to mobilize volunteers to provide educational support to disadvantaged children.

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Laura Grünberg, RO

Laura Grünberg

(work email: )

Laura Grünberg is Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania, and the coordinator of the Gender Equality Plan at this university. She is also editor in chief of the  Romanian Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies ( and writer (Member of National Writer Union).

She has worked in the past as project coordinator and gender focal point for the UNESCO European Center for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) and has long term experience in initiating, coordinating, offering consultancy, implementing or evaluating national, regional and European research projects in the area of education, health, media, politics, urban space, civil society. She has published books and academic articles in international peer-reviewed journals. She coordinated the most recent Gender Barometer in Romania (2018).

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Prof. Roxana Elisabeta Marinescu, RO

Keynote “Approaching Gender Equality Plans in universities from an intercultural communication perspective”

Roxana Elisabeta Marinescu is a Professor with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania and a PhD supervisor in British and American Literature and Cultural Studies at “Ovidius” University, Constanța, Romania. Her main research interests are feminism and gender issues, democratic citizenship, education for intercultural and plurilingual communication, postcolonial and postcommunist studies.

Dr. Marinescu was the coordinator of the team which designed the Gender Equality Plan in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), Romania in 2022 and the coordinator of the Committee for Gender Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion of the same university between October 2023 and April 2024. For the past 17 years Dr. Marinescu has been the editor-in-chief of the academic journal Synergy ( Dr. Marinescu is the President of the Association of the Romanian Society for English and American Studies in ASE, member of the European Society for the Study of English.

For over 25 years she was a member of the Non-governmental organization AnA Society for Feminist Analyses and a president of the organization between 2018 and 2020. In this capacity, she participated in and coordinated academic projects and community work in the areas of feminism, gender issues and women’s empowerment.

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Dr. Cristina Dragomir, RO

Associate professor at Constanta Maritime University, RO

Dr. Dragomir is associate professor at Constanta Maritime University from Romania, department Management in Transports. She gives lectures of Transport Technologies, Management of Ship Commercial Operations and Human Resources Management since 2008, being invited as lecturer in other universities and as speaker in international and national events. She is reviewer for prestigious SSCI journals indexed in Web of Science Clarivate as WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (Springer publisher), Journal of Navigation (Cambridge Core publisher) and Technium. Dr. Cristina Dragomir got certification for the following programs of specialisation related to gender expertise. As academic researcher, Ms. Dragomir is specialized in gender studies in transport, being project manager of such dedicated research as well as the author and co-author of more than 40 published articles and four books on gender in transports and associated topics.


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Michaela Gindl, AUT

Member of eument-net executive board and facilitator of the conference

Studied sociology at the University of Vienna, since 2005 she is head of the Office for Equality, Gender, and Diversity – University for Continuing Education Krems. Moreover, she is co-founder of MOVES, Center for Gender and Diversity.

Her thematic focuses: Conception and implementation of strategies, initiatives, and measures for gender equality, equity, and gender competence at university institutions; coordinator of the “Career Mentoring III” mentoring program, in collaboration with the Universities of Linz and Salzburg; experienced in research and consulting projects on gender aspects in education and research institutions; university lecturer, speaker, workshop leader, and moderator.

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Emma Mark, UK

Facilitator of the Conference

Emma has devoted her professional life to promoting digitalisation and transformation in the maritime field, with a specialisation in optimising port calls and improving efficiency. However, her dedication has led her to pause and re-evaluate how she can continue to make a significant impact in the industry she has passionately served for over a decade.

Leveraging her extensive experience as a COO within the industry, Emma has recently acquired a professional coaching certification. She aims to empower women across all levels of the shipping industry, with a specific emphasis on unlocking their full potential and facilitating their growth as productive, innovative, and successful leaders.

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Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and Gender Equality Plans

Constanta Maritime University (Romania) and the European Mentoring Network (eument-net) are organising an international conference with a professional exchange session:

Mentoring – Potentials for the advancement of female careers in European academia and research and for Gender Equality Plans

02. – 03. September 2024, Constanţa, Romania

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our upcoming international conference. The core aims are to share good practices and positive examples of mentoring programs designed for advancing female careers in academia and Gender Equality Plans (GEP) actions. The event will also provide excellent networking opportunities for developing joint actions in mentoring and overall gender equality.

Objectives of the conference:

1. Improve action based on mutual sharing and discussion on mentoring and overall gender equality.
2. Brochure on the variety of mentoring programs in Europe and GEP prerequisites.
3. Share good practices on mentoring as part of Gender Equality Plan and on changing organisational culture towards gender equality.

We welcome members of academic and research institutions, practitioners, governmental agencies and any other individuals interested in mentoring programs and GEP and institutions across Europe. Please read about the opportunities to take part in the Call for Contributions.


Mircea cel Bătrân Street no. 104
Constanţa 900663, Romania

Here you can find the location on Google Maps!

Please find all the relevant travel information in our Constanţa travel guide: Constanţa Travel Guide

The program of the conference you can find here: Program eument-net Conference 2024

We are looking forward to meet you in Constanţa!

Organizational Team:

Prof. Cristina Dragomir
Michaela Gindl
Dr. Dagmar Hoeppel
Ekaterina Masetkina
Dr. Evelyn Rusdea


Call for professional exchange

Call for professional exchange: Resilient Mentoring Programs – Strategies to Overcome Challenges (Exchange Session, Sept. 3)

Expected are insights and experiences shared by mentoring coordinators in navigating challenges of mentoring programs and proposing strategies to overcome them. Your expertise is invaluable in advancing our understanding of the challenges and opportunities in promoting gender equality by the means of mentoring within academia in Europe. By sharing experiences, strategies, and lessons learned, participants will collectively explore effective approaches to overcoming challenges and strengthening the impact of mentoring programs.

 Possible topics for discussion and exchange:

  • Shortfall of structures and institutional support for gender equality initiatives
  • Challenges stemming from inadequate financing and resource allocation
  • Addressing disinterest among potential mentees, mentors, or stakeholders
  • Strategies for overcoming obstacles in organizing and sustaining mentoring programs
  • Best practices and innovative approaches in promoting gender equality and fostering a culture of learning from failure within mentoring initiatives

You  are invited to submit proposals for presentations and case studies via email to eument-net with the subject heading „Professional Exchange Proposal Submission.“

Submissions should include: your name, title, organization and a brief description of the topic no longer than 150 words.

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: July, 1, 2024
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance: July, 15, 2024
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Call for contribution

Call for contribution for the brochure:

As we strive to create a comprehensive brochure on the variety of mentoring programs in Europe, we are reaching out to practitioners like you, who are actively engaged in mentoring programs and gender equality initiatives. We would be grateful if you take a few moments to complete our questionnaire. The responses gathered from the questionnaire will form part of the overview in the brochure, and therefore your participation is very much appreciated. Even if you can´t come to the conference in Romania, you are very much invited to be part of the overview in the brochure.

Please find the questionnaire here

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