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Eument-net Expert Exchange „Empowering early career researchers: Starting and managing a mentoring program“

On March 12 from 10 AM to 12 PM (CET), the European Mentoring Network (eument-net) invites you to an engaging expert exchange on:

Empowering early career researchers: Starting and managing a mentoring program

Learn about effective approaches to mentoring and explore strategies for creating impactful mentoring programs that support the next generation of researchers.


Dr. Nina Fischer„Advancing Women in Science: Why It Matters“, trainer
Dr. Ines Crisostomocoordinator of ADVANCE Mentoring Programme of the University of Luxembourg and eument-net member
Ekaterina Masetkina M.A.coordinator of SelmaMeyerMentoring Programme of the University of Dusseldorf and eument-net chair.

We look forward to an engaging discussion and the exchange of experiences. Join us:


Available scholarships

If you are not able to be funded by your institution, there is a limited budget to provide scholarships in the form of reimbursement to cover expenses to the highest ranked accepted proposals. A limited number of participants will be funded.

Expenses include transportation (over 100 km), and a per diem amount which covers accommodation, local travel (under 100 km) and meals.

Attention: the costs are reimbursed only after the event, so they must be laid out first by the accepted participant.

Call opens: 10 January 2025

Proposal deadline: 7 February 2025

Decision communication: end of February 2025

Update: The call for application is closed, please wait for the decision of the organising committee.

If you wish to attend the international expert exchange without a presentation or a scholarship, please save the date, as the open audience registration will be announced in March 2025.

Registration: March 2025 (the link will be announced soon).

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Participation options

There are TWO ways to participate in the event: by submitting a PechaKucha/PowerPoint presentation OR by submitting a motivation letter:

OPTION 1: PechaKucha/PowerPoint presentation

We welcome proposals for PechaKucha/PowerPoint presentations which will be delivered by successful applicants during the event. Contributions with the highest scores will be selected. Proposals need to be maximum 200 words and will be assessed by the organising committee and ranked (1-5) according to the following criteria:

  1. Relevace to the theme of “Mentoring for Inclusive Research Culture”

Proposals should clearly align with the event’s focus on mentoring and its role in shaping inclusive research cultures and gender equality, showcasing experiences, practice-based approaches, or research-based findings.

  1. Originality and innovation

Preference will be given to proposals that present fresh ideas, unique perspectives, or creative solutions related to mentorship, such as programme designs, unconventional mentoring models, or impactful evaluation methods or findings.

  1. Clarity and engagement

The proposal should demonstrate a well-structured narrative that can captivate the audience within PechaKucha/PowerPoint format. Submissions should outline key points in a clear, engaging, and accessible way.

No actual presentations are required at this stage.


OPTION 2: Expression of interest to attend as a participant

We also welcome all mentorship stakeholders (mentorship managers and coordinators, personal development officers, mentorship researchers, mentors and mentees) to submit an expression of interest to attend.

Express your motivation to participate in the Event.

How will the Event support your professional development, be it in the role of a mentorship coordinator or manager, or personal development officer, etc.?

How will the Event help you develop networking opportunities for improved practice or research?

The organising committee will rank (1-5) the submissions according to the following criteria:

  1. Motivation for attendance

The applicant provides a compelling and well-articulated explanation of why they wish to attend, highlighting their interest in mentoring, gender equality, and inclusive research cultures, acknowledging a European dimension.

  1. Alignment with research or professional goals and aspirations

The applicant demonstrates a clear connection between the event’s focus and their own research, career aspirations, or professional development, showing how participation will enhance their work or impact.

  1. Quality and clarity of expression

The submission is thoughtfully written, demonstrating clear, concise, and effective communication that reflects the applicant’s enthusiasm to engage and contribute in the event.

Call opens: 10 January 2025

Proposal deadline: 7 February 2025

Decision communication: end of February 2025

Update: The call for application is closed, please wait for the decision of the organising committee.

If you wish to attend the international expert exchange without a presentation or a scholarship, please save the date, as the open audience registration will be announced in March 2025.

Registration: March 2025 (the link will be announced soon).

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Inclusive Research Cultures Through Mentorship: a Practitioner-Researcher Dialogue

Dusseldorf, May 26-27, 2025

Committee Lead: Ekaterina Masetkina MA, Michaela Gindl MA, Dr Dagmar Höppel, Dr Evelyne Rusdea (EUMENT-NET) & Dr Ola Thomson (COST Action VOICES) will host this year’s event at the Heinrich Heine University (HHU) Dusseldorf, Germany, home to the pioneering and highly successful SelmaMeyerMentoring programme. HHU is renowned for its cutting-edge research across various disciplines. The university also hosts the Life Science Center, a state-of-the-art facility supporting innovative startups and companies in life sciences and related technologies.

Inclusive Research Cultures Through Mentorship: a Practitioner-Researcher Dialogue. Exploring the role of mentorship in shaping inclusive and transformative research culture

This event brings together mentorship managers and coordinators, researchers, personal development officers, and stakeholders to share their expertise, experiences, challenges, wins big and small, and evidence-based approaches to inclusive mentoring. By bridging practical experience and academic knowledge, we aim to elevate mentorship as a tool for inclusive research cultures in which diversity is a critical building block for the common good.

Join us for a collaborative dialogue to exchange good practice, cross pollinate new ideas, and build connections across disciplines, as well as learn from non-academic settings. Together, we will explore how mentoring can become a powerful tool for cultivating equitable and innovative research environments and facilitate institutional change for inclusive gender equality.


  • Share practical knowledge of design, implementation, measurement, and evaluation of mentorship programmes
  • Exchange ideas with researchers who bring fresh thinking from other fields to inform mentoring practices in academia and research. Explore how academic expertise can inspire new approaches
  • Discuss alternative mentoring approaches with champions of innovative models like reverse mentoring. Challenge traditional practices and explore creative ways to make mentoring and research culture more inclusive and intersectional
  • Build meaningful connections with others who are passionate about inclusive gender equality. Create opportunities for collaboration and shared work in both research and practice
  • Celebrate mentees of the SelmaMeyerMentoring programme who have completed their mentoring journeys

Participation options

Available scholarships

Proposal deadline: 7 February 2025
Decision communication: end of February 2025

Update: The call for application is closed, please wait for the decision of the organising committee.

If you wish to attend the international expert exchange without a presentation or a scholarship, please save the date, as the open audience registration will be announced in March 2025.

Registration: March 2025 (the link will be announced soon)

New publication of eument-net: Mentoring and Gender Equality in European Academia and Research

This publication presents diverse mentoring programs aimed at promoting gender equality in academia across Europe. Preparing the international conference „Mentoring – Potentials for the Advancement of Female Careers in European Academia and Research, and for Gender Equality Plans,“ which took place in September 2024 at Constanta Maritime University in Romania, the editors engaged with practitioners who are actively involved in mentoring programs and gender equality initiatives in academia. The outcomes of these efforts have been compiled in this publication to provide the reader with an overview of various mentoring programs. In addition, the various abstracts submitted to the conference program highlight the topics that mentoring managers are currently addressing. Eument-net is proud to support and bring to the forefront mentoring initiatives that play a crucial role in empowering women scientists and promoting gender equality in academia and research across Europe.



Mentoring and Gender Equality in European Academia and Research

Ed.: eument-net, publisher Constanta Maritime University, Romania, 2024.

A free copy can be ordered at

Download here: Mentoring and Gender Equality in European Academia and Research

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Eument-net Expert Exchange:
Mentoring helps navigating fast-paced science

On December, 3, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:15 am (CET) eument-net invites
all interested parties to the expert exchange

Many researchers in untenured academic positions experience the tension between the drive for rapid, high-volume publishing and the need for thoughtful, in-depth research. In this talk we will discuss ways to support an academic culture that challenges the prevailing “publish-or-perish” paradigm and to foster a more welcoming and productive environment for researchers.

Beyond summarizing key developments of recent discussions, we will spotlight two unique perspectives. Insights will be shared into Anna Lena’s academic journey. Through participation in Kiel University’s mentoring programme via:mento specifically designed for women postdoctoral researchers, and through broader networking initiatives, she has found support and direction, enabling her to realign her work with her scientific values. This will be complemented by reflections on Ruth’s experiences as the coordinator of the mentoring programme, illustrating how mentoring initiatives can not only foster participants’ career development but also renew postdoctoral researchers’ commitment to scientific inquiry.

Keynotes and authors: Anna Lena Bercht and Ruth Kamm

Anna Lena Bercht is a human geographer with a background in psychology. She works in the Department of Geography at Kiel University and is an associate member of the Disaster Research Unit at Freie University of Berlin. From 2015 to 2018, she was a visiting researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University. Her research lies at the intersection of geography and psychology focusing on human-environment relationships, climate justice and psychological barriers to behaviour change. Using qualitative research methods, she has conducted fieldwork in China, Norway and Germany. Her most recent funded research projects examine barriers to climate adaptation and explore effective climate communication strategies. Anna Lena is also a former mentee of the via:mento mentoring programme at Kiel University.

Ruth Kamm has been with Kiel University’s Central Office for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunity & Family since 2010, where she coordinates the mentoring programme via:mento for women postdocs pursuing their academic career after their doctorate. Before taking on the additional task of consulting the university’s collaborative research project consortia on their gender equality activities, she has been working for different collaborative project networks in the field of marine sciences in Kiel. Here, she has also dedicated herself to supporting women in non-tenured positions in their career development and advocating for more equality within the academic system. Ruth has a background in political sciences with a focus on higher education research.

The talk is based on the recent publication: Bercht, Anna Lena, Ruth Kamm (2024): How mentoring and a shift in mindset and practices can help navigate fast-paced science, in: ICES Journal of Marine Science,

You are welcome to invite your interested colleagues to the meeting.

Daniela Burghila, RO

Dr. Daniela Vasilica Burghilă is the General Director in General Structure of Higher Education within Ministry of Education.  She is also Associate Professor Dr. at University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering. She shas been previously General Director in Management of University Programs Structure and In University Titles Structure. Her research area is Environmental Engineering,  Ecology, Sustainability and Land Reclamation.

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Luminita Popescu, RO

Luminita Popescu is the State Secretary at Romanian Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, a specialized central public administration institution subordinated to the Ministry of Family, Youth, and Equality of Opportunities. The Agency is responsible for the elaboration, coordination and enforcement of governmental strategies and policies in the field of equal opportunities between women and men and in the prevention and combating of domestic violence and it aims to promote equal opportunities and treatment between women and men with a view to eliminating all types of sex-based discrimination and preventing and combating domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programmes tailored to the victims’ needs.

Ms. Popescu has represented Romania in the works of Generation Equality Forum organized by the United Nations (UN) Women where she had an intervention about Cooperation to Action: Reducing Gender Inequalities to Strengthen Social Cohesion in Latin America and Europe.

She has a Master degree on Human Rights and Bachelor studies in Law and in Humanitieshe is member of the National Body of Experts in Educational Management.


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Prof. Dr. Eng. Remus Zagan, RO

Prof. Dr. Eng. Remus Zagan is the President of Constanta Maritime University Senate. He is experienced professor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. He works in many national and international research projects as researcher or project manager. He is skilled in Cyber Security, Analytical Skills,  Computer Science and Computer-Aided Design (CAD). He has strong education professional with a higher focused in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic Institute  „Gheorghe Asachi“ from Iasi. He was expert researcher in the project “E-Maritime Medicine for seafarers’ students and seamanship physicians, a part of the International Association of Maritime Universities’ Capacity Building Project. He was also expert in projects of internationalization, employment of students on labour market and entrepreneurship in South East region.

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Prof. Dr. Gabriel Raicu, RO

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Raicu is the Rector of Constanta Maritime University. He is also the President of the Cyber Security Cluster of Excellence (CYSCOE) and the Director of the Excellence Center in Maritime Cybersecurity. He teaches Navigation in special conditions, transport data base and cybersecurity applications. In the late 1990s, he was among the pioneers who introduced virtualization at Constanta Maritime University. He firmly believes that artificial intelligence-centered activities hold immense potential for future research and development and a realistic approach to cybersecurity is imperative due to the significant risks associated with the transition to Industry 4.0 and beyond.

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