Alexandru Dinu, RO

Alexandru Dinu is Project Expert at The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), a public body of the Central Administration under the ultimate authority of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) in Romania. The mission of UEFISCDI is to promote quality and leadership for higher education,research, development and innovation.


Alexandru Dinu has been involved in implementing projects funded by national and European sources, focusing on innovation and gender equality in research. He was responsible for developing and implementing the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) at UEFISCDI ( within the CALIPER project( . This involved coordinating the GEP and contributing to knowledge transfer beyond academia.

Within the Genderactionplus project (, he led the capacity-building work package focused on gender equality in research for consortium partners.

In Accelerate Romania project ( he contributed to analyzing the current state of the Romanian innovation entrepreneurial ecosystem. He examined best practice models from similar platforms in Europe and worldwide, developed the Accelerate Romania platform concept, collected and processed data, and maintained the platform with updated information.

He is currently enrolled in PhD in Management in National School of Political Studies and Public Administration in Romania (since 2023) wit the thesis: „Promoting Inclusive Research: Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, Responsible Management, and Intersectional Perspectives“. He graduated the Master studies in Political Communication and Political Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania ( 2020 – 2023) with Master Thesis: „Sexual Education: A Battleground in Anti-Gender Campaigns in Romania“.

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